“The Alphabet of Democracy” Magazine illustrations dedicated to the democracy and democratic issues, which describes 10 important chapter about rule of law:
1. Rule of Law, 2. Separation of Powers, 3. Checks & Balances, 4. Social Contract, 5. Presumption of Innocence, 6. Independence of Judiciary, 7. Democratic Accountability, 8. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Expression, 9. Civic Virtue, 10. Critical Reasoning.
The magazine is printed and published by Mr. Nikoloz Rurua.
Client: Nikoloz Rurua / Foreward: Nika Machutadze / Illustrator: Sofo Kirtadze / Text: Zurab Bakhtadze / Translator: Mikheil Antadze / Text: Vano Kirtadze